The Impact of Inequality:
A 3-Part Series
GenAct is pleased to announce a 3-part series on the Impact of Inequality in the US. The first virtual panel will address healthcare, the second will address income and housing, and the third will point to ways in which we may be involved in managing these inequalities.
The Impact of Inequality
Part 1: Inequalities in Healthcare
November 29, 2023
TODD SAVITT, PhD, Department of Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Brody School of Medicine
SALLY BULLOCK, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Public Health, Davidson College
moderated by STAFFORD WARREN '64, MD, FACC
Davidson Voices
A new series of virtual events hosted by Davidson Generations for Action featuring conversations with Davidson College students, alums, faculty, or administrators about their experiences and insights on matters that will make life on the planet sustainable and better for future generations.
Dean Rusk Scholars
October 30, 2023
ANNABEL SEMANS '26 discussed her internship in Guatemala with the Wakami Foundation. The Foundation enables rural women to support their families. It sets them up with business platforms to sell their handicrafts and advises them in investing for their children's education and nutrition.
AVO REID '26 discussed his experiential project in Turkey and Greece called "The Scattered." This project involved researching ancestry in the Armenian neighborhoods of Kumkapi and Samatya to discover the history of Armenian dissemination throughout modern-day Turkey and Greece.
Annabel and Avo were joined by DR. JANE MANGAN, director of the Rusk Program and history professor at Davidson. The students were interviewed by GenAct member and alumnus GEORGE LITTLE '64 and Dr. Mangan.